Thursday 25 July 2013

Our Inquiry Unit: How We Can Help Mr. Kirk with the Rubbish Problem

To conclude our inquiry unit and give our message to the rest of the school, we made a movie.  Each of the Team One teachers took some photos and Miss Hutchings made it into a movie for us.  We showed it at the last school assembly for the term.

As part of our Graphics for art and also part of our inquiry unit we made some signs to tell the rest of the school not to litter our school.  We laminated the signs and have put them all around the school.  Here are some photos of some of them.

Room 2 Children Graduating to Room 3

There are seven children who are graduating from Room 2 at the end of Term 2.  They will be in Room 3 with Miss Hutchings from the beginning of Term 3. 

On the last day of term we had a shared lunch and the children all got a special graduation certificate.  Roman is not in the photo because he was away on the last day of term.  We
will miss them all so much but wish them all the best for their new class.

Greer and Hannah's School Assembly Item

At school assembly, as part of Team 1 and 2 talent, we were treated to a ballet dance by Greer and Hannah.  They are very clever as they had choreographed or made up the dance all by themselves.  What a fantastic job they had done.  Have a look at the photos we took of their dance.

Room's Two's Visit to Owlcatraz

On Friday the 21st of June as part of our inquiry unit, Team 1 visited Owlcatraz in Shannon. Check out some of our photos above!!

Below are some of the stories.

I went to Owlcatraz. I saw a morepork. They can turn their head right-a-round. The morepork sleep with their eyes open.

I went to Owlcatraz. I saw the old jail.

We saw a kune kune pig. It was big. It was funny. The man was giving it bread. Leah and Skyla Mae and me were in my group. My mum came. Lots of people came too. I had fun. We saw animals. Greer

On Friday I went to the owl house. I went to the farm and I saw a pig.

I went to Owlcatraz. I saw llamas and it was brown and white. I had fun.

I went to Owlcatraz and I saw a llama. I love the llama. I had fun.

We saw the Thomas train at Owlcatraz.