Saturday 17 August 2013

Student Health and Safety Issues

Mr. Snell asked us to brainstorm ideas about student health and safety as the Board are currently reviewing this policy.  Here is our brainstorm.  We came up with some really good ideas which we passed onto Mr. Snell.  He came to tell us how well we had done but Constable Kendrick was taking us. Mr. Snell has sent us an email saying that he had read "our wonderful brainstorm" and really liked some of our ideas.  He will be telling the Board our ideas at the Board Meeting this week. We did have one other idea that Mrs. Bone didn't write down - it was to have a roller coaster in the playground!!!  Dreams are free!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This term we have been working with Constable Kendrick to learn about keeping ourselves safe. We have been talking about feelings, different types of touch, good and bad secrets and the correct names for body parts.  It is really important that we know our phone numbers and addresses.  If you live on a farm can you please help your child to learn their rapid number.  Well done Ged, Jack, Holly,Tate, Dyllin and Dani who know their phone number and full address.


Dani's News

Dani made this fish out of a paper plate at home.

She also brought this tooth from a great white shark that lived about 4 million years ago. Her Grandad found it on his farm.

Maths Week 2013

This is New Zealand Maths Week. At school we are having a daily challenge for each team.  If your answer is the one drawn out of the box and it is correct you win  a small prize.  Well done Eva and Aymon who won Monday and Tuesday's prize.  Preston won Wednesdays and Isiah from Room 1 won the prize on Thursday.

As well as doing the daily problem you might like to go on the Maths website and play some of the games.  The website is .  I suggest you try Level 1 to start with.


Tuesday 13 August 2013

Discovery Day

On Friday the 9th of August Team 1 had Discovery Day.  In Room 1 we made things starting with the letter t.  We made turkeys, tambourines, toasties, tigers and made a  train track.

In Room 14 we did activities with the letter d.  They were domino stacks, dog puppets, dot pictures and making dip.

In Room 2 we made umbrellas, ugly face biscuits, ugly masks, uniform pictures and used better blocks to make something that the stegosaurus could go under.
In Room 3 we did activities that started with a soft c.  They were circle pictures, circus clowns, building a city and buildings with ceilings and we tasted citrus fruits.


Wednesday 7 August 2013

More Symmetry

Today we made symmetrical patterns using pegs and pegboards and also geoboards and rubber bands.  We used a rubber band for the pegboards and a pencil for the geoboards to show the line of symmetry


Photography with the I pads

This term we are studying photography for Art.  We used the Photobooth app to help us. Here are some of our results:

Maths This Term

For Maths this term we have been studying position and orientation. We have been learning about following and giving directions for movement e.g. using inside, outside, over, under, beside, next to and about 1/2 and 1/4 turns.
Now we are learning about symmetry. Today we made some symmetrical butterflies.  We were given the butterfly with one half filled in and we had to make the butterfly symmetrical.  Have a look at our beautiful symmetrical butterflies!

Monday 5 August 2013

The Maths Road Show Comes To South School

On Monday the 5th of August the Maths Road Show came to South School.  Team One went to the hall after play.  Mrs. Bone put us into groups of 3 or 4 children and each group had an activity sheet and a Room 17 person to support them with the reading and writing of this.  They all did a great job.  Below is a picture trail of some of the activities.  The favourite one was the Ski Race when we had a race against the rest of our team.  The second time that we raced we had to turn on the switch and count the number of times the light flashed.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We have been talking about feelings in class and looking at different scenarios and how we would feel.  The chidren made some feeling faces. See if you can match the faces with the feelings.

Which feeling is this?

Is this happy or angry?

Is this proud or sad?

Is this angry or confused?

Is this sad or proud?
The children have a homework sheet in their homework diary about feelings.

Friday 2 August 2013

Team One's Visit to the Town Library

On the first Friday of each month Team One tries to go to the Town Library.  We went today and took our Winter Warmers booklets to get updated.  As Nicky was away,Pamela read us a story and then we each got two books out. 


We have been doing the Winter Warmers as a class.  Congratulations to everyone as the whole class belongs to the Tararua Library.  A special congratulations to Renee, Jordon and Dani who have  done 10 reviews/check-ins already and have completed the programme. We are hoping that the children will do some reviews over the weekend as we only have one more week of the Winter Warmers Programme.
Here is a photo of us with our books and some of our prizes.  



Thursday 1 August 2013


Each Wednesday we have some time with the ipads.  This week, as part of our Keeping Ourselves Safe, we used the educreations  app on the ipads to draw ourselves and write about what we are good at.  Here are some  of our stories.  We also recorded what we had written.


New Children to Room 2

From the beginning of Term 2 we welcomed ten new children to Room 2.  Welcome to Ryder, Renee, Suraj, Dani, Anders, Mason, Paige, Nate, Ged and James.  We hope you all enjoy being in Room 2.