Monday 28 October 2013

Our First Science Discovery Day

On Friday we had a whole Discovery Day doing Science.
First we started in our own classes.  We were looking at snails and wanted to find out which surface the snails like best.  Each person had a snail and we worked in pairs moving around the different surfaces with our same snail.  We had paper, rock, sandpaper, wood and carpet to try. Here are some videos of what we found out.
In Room 1 we were investigating what plants need to grow. We planted watercress in egg shells.  WE watered these and put one of these in the cupboard and we had another one that we don't water.
In Room3 we were investigating how plants get their food.  We put celery intothe 3 containers - one red, one blue and one purple.
In Room 14 we were looking at an ant farm.  We saw the Queen bee.


1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it fun visiting all of the Team 1 rooms and trying out our "investigating" or finding out skills. We are all scientists. :)
